What 's the difference betweent Launch X431 V and X431 V+?
Many car guys ask this question.
There are our ideas,Hope it helpful for you.
Function: Same
Size: V 8inch V+ 10 inch
Price: X431 V under $900 V+ over $1000
So what is the real difference ?
Launch X431 V+ comes with heavy truck software,if you works onl heavy truck,you can buy the V+ & HD model fit for heavy truck diagnosis.
What is the difference between Diagun IV and Pro mini ?
Function: Same
Diagun IV: looks like a cellphone
Pro mini:looks like a tablet
Price: Diagun IV is more cheaper than pro mini
What is the difference between Pro mini and Pros mini?
Answer:No difference
Launch X431 DiagunIV vs. Snap-On Verus vs. Autel ?
Launch X431 Diagun IV has the full bidirectional control capability.
There is nothing the versus scan tool can do that the Diagun can not.